Jotunheim (also spelled Jotunnheim or Jotunheimr), in Norse mythology, the dwelling place of the jotuns (giants). The name means "giantland." Jotunheim was usually thought of as being far to the northwest, in a place where the ocean met the edge of the world. Sometimes, however, the land of giants was said to be located in the east or in some other place. One of the three roots of Yggdrasil (the World Tree) was located in Jotunheim.

After the first gods, Bor's sons Odin, Vili, and Ve, killed the giant Ymir and made the world, they granted land to the descendants of the giants along the outer shores of the ocean. It was a cold, forbidding land of vast, towering forests, mighty mountains, rivers, and caverns. The giants inhabiting it were frost giants and mountain giants.

Another name for Jotunheim was Utgard (or Utgardr, "outer enclosure"), though Utgard was sometimes regarded more specifically as the capital city of Jotunheim. Utgard was first settled by Norfi, or Narfi, the father of Nott (Night).
