Audhumia (also spelled Audhambla, or Audhumla), in Norse mythology, a primeval cow who came into being from the melting ice at the beginning of the universe. Audhumia (Nourisher) was responsible for the formation of the primeval man from whom all the gods descended, and she also nourished the primeval giant from whom the frost giants descended.

The origin of everything, the Norse believed, was a yawning chasm called Ginnungagap. The north end of this chasm was filled with tremendous amounts of ice and rime, in a vast frozen wasteland called Niflheim. The southern end of the chasm was a vast region of fire called Muspelheim. In between the two, where the cold mist of Niflheim met the hot sparks of Muspelheim, a thawing occurred, and melting drops of ice formed the first giant, Ymir (or Aurgelmir, "Mud Seether").

After the creation of Ymir, the drops formed another being, an enormous cow. According to the 'Prose (or Younger) Edda', "The next thing, when the rime dripped, was that there came into being from it a cow called Audhumia, and four rivers of milk flowed from its teats."

Ymir was able to nourish himself from the milk that flowed from Audhumia's udders. But when Ymir slept, he started to sweat. From under his left arm a man and a woman emerged, while his feet mated with each other and produced a son. From these creatures descended the race of jotuns, or evil frost giants.

Audhumia nourished herself by licking the stony blocks of ice, which tasted salty. In the spot she licked, the hair of a man emerged by the end of the first day. She continued licking, and by the evening of the second day a head had appeared. On the third day the entire man emerged. He was Buri (also spelled Bure or Bori). He was strong and handsome and good. He had a son called Bor, who married a giantess named Bestla. They had three sons, Odin, Vili, and Ve, who were the first of the race of gods. They were the eternal enemies of the frost giants, and in the first battle between them, the three brothers killed Ymir; from his body they created the world, the sea, and the sky
